Posts Tagged With: mondaymeme

monday meme mesh, do ya, don’t ya—–DIGITS?

Meme Instructions: Share your avatar’s digits and/or answer the following questions about mesh bodies. If you decide to share your digits, feel free to add your image to the Digits Flickr Group.

You do not have to share your numbers if you don’t feel comfortable. You can just answer the following questions:

  1. Do you currently own a mesh body? If so, do you wear it all the time or just once in a while? If not, skip to the fourth question. – Nope. I’ve tried a few demos, and admire all the possibilities that the mesh bodies offer in terms of taking art shots, but it is just way too much trouble to fuss with them. I’m happy with the SL avatar.
  2. What is your preferred mesh body available on the market right now? – N/A
  3. Have you changed your shape since you started wearing the body? – N/A
  4. How do you feel about mesh bodies in general? – I think they are really a work of art. Folks that are not into art or fashion in SL can pretty much take a pass.  While I’m very interested in art, I’m not willing to get into a technology that isn’t supporting most of my SL day to day experience. It is also a tech that changes on a regular basis. Some mesh bodies are already dead based on the wonky and abusive DMCA system we live with. LL has to act immediately upon takedowns with minimal evidence that the complaint is legit.
  5. What is one thing you would request from designers when it comes to mesh bodies? – I think the designers missed the boat when they commercialized various mesh bodies as thing you PUT ON. I like the variety and the change in emphasis in the various bodies I’ve seen. Some are plush. Some are thin. Some seem to be much more real and some are more fantastic.  However, I think for myself, that the whole question of mesh bodies should have been taken back a step to the baseline avatar. Barn door is open now, but maybe this will apply to SL2? I’ll comment more below.

From my perspective, the mesh body designers took the easy and natural path, they went around LL and did the hard work and innovation that Users had been asking LL to do for years. They re-invented the humanoid avatar.

But the SL avatar is mesh. ((Word of caution here, the whole commentary is fantasy, LL is never going to implement a new avatar in the SL we have.))

To me, the mesh body you want should be a set of selections, all with slider “fitted options” and tied back to some sort of baseline humanoid that is artistically sweet and average. That’s what LL and designers should have worked on.

Instead, SL avatars are tech from prior to 2002. Is there anything on your computer that is from 2002? I didn’t think so.

I supposed that SL2 will address this in some fashion. (Perhaps badly given LL resources spends in the past as a yardstick.)

So we have a 2002 mesh body with sliders. The body is wrongly proportioned. The sliders are ergonomically wrong.

What if instead, as with gender, we could select bodies by ‘genre’ avatar library? We could be quadropedal, androids, or aliens, or titans, or orcs, or werewolves, and the rigged bones and sliders for all of these would have some clean math acting on the base av.  What if SL2 had an open set of design parameters (as with viewers) and if your avatar design qualified and passed quality checks, you could add a new avatar to the base math of the sliders and suddenly be a sleek new being?

Sure, you might find that most avatars added to the library were good ol’ Plush, or Curvy, or Zombie, or even Child, or Fashion Waif—-but you’d be working within a system. Your sliders would have ‘fitted mesh’ influence on the ‘genre av’ you had selected.

It’s only a dream folks. The diversity and complications for fashion designers could go straight to unmanageable. However, I love the idea.  Cruise the marketplace and you’ll find some Pretty Popular AVs that are doing this, and providing all the skins, clothes, weapons, and fancies that fit Only Their Genre AV.

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Transform so we don’t know you…

avatar transform before

Meme instructions: Transform your avatar completely so that even your friends wouldn’t recognize you. Don’t forget to share the link to your image in the comments and add your pictures to the Blog Memes flickr group.

This week’s Monday Meme idea was provided by Mr. Skell Dagger. Several months ago he was kind enough to email me a bunch of ideas for Monday memes, some of which I’ve already done. This idea was an interesting one to me, however he had a rule: you couldn’t change genders or species. I think I broke his rule though by becoming a fairy so if you guys decide to break the rules too, you can just blame me. :P

Put the blame on Strawberry? Sure, I can do that!

Transform Magical Schoolgirl!!

avatar transform after

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Second Life made me learn stuffs… and I liked it!

This week’s Monday Meme is brought to you again by Mr. Draxtor Despres. He was having a conversation on twitter with a friend who stated that Second Life pushed him into learning 3D modelling. Draxtor then tagged me and suggested this as a meme, “things Second Life has made people do (or learn)” and since I myself have learned quite a few things because of SL, I figured this should definitely be my next Monday Meme!

Meme instructions: Share things that you have learned because of your involvement in Second Life, either personally or professionally. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments so others can come by and read your answers as well!

There’s a double handful of things I’ve learned in SL:

Port Caledon skies [HAM 073]

  1. Script use to make prims do clever things, even though I do not understand scripts and am not tech savvy
  2. airship design to sell steampunk flyers, how to run that business, and why it does not work, and be OK with that
  3. creation of seamless textures
  4. creation of skins for SL avatars (OMG, skins are so very hard to do well)
  5. creation of clothing and tattoos for SL avatars (slightly easier to do)
  6. how to be social at parties, and then also keep the friends you make
  7. how to be romantic
  8. how to shake off RL stress in a virtual place
  9. how to get Avatars from all over the world/grid to add their energy to a Relay For Life community build project, from a sketch and notes and chat text
  10. how to stay awake 24 hours for a virtual run around the Relay For Life event (notable efforts for several years)
  11. how to take better pictures, even approaching exciting images that make me happy
  12. how to give my time to others, when they ask with grace, and how to say ‘no’ (when needed) with grace
  13. how much fun manners can be
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Monday Meme: Strawberry says, ‘Get Motivated!’

Meme instructions: Going to give you a couple of options to choose from today:
Create a motivational poster using any image from Second Life with some motivating words about Second Life.
Talk about what motivates you and how you motivate yourself every day.
Don’t forget to share the link to your post in the comments and add your pictures to the Blog Memes flickr group.I AM PIXELS
Beautiful vistas and inspirational wonders motivate me.

Second Life can be a recharge when a day of illness, or minor pains, or overcast weather has drained me low. That’s when a quick scan of Second Life Flickr Groups can lift up my spirits for a second wind. It’s a nice warm up to logging in when the internets or the computer don’t want to agree about how much SL they want to give me.

Thank you Strawberry for the motivation.

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