Posts Tagged With: A.P.E.

Aethernaut Polychrono Expeditionary, coming to a year near you!!

Being a member in good standing of the Aethernaut Polychrono Expeditionary irregulars, I traveled to the Aether Salon in New Babbage this past month. Of course, I dragged along my camera apparatus with all its proper bulk and winding anbaric tubes. Photographic record of events is the purpose of the Expeditions and I was behind my contribution to the archives.

However, rather than the usual informative seminar, we were all present for sharing ideas about future Salons.

There are great possibilities in the future Salons. To wit:

  • Various expressions of Steampunk are being treated in media (in several concurrent centuries, almost as if someone were taking information back and forth through time itself (cough)).
  • Steampunk Literature blooms and it is hard to keep up with it all.
  • There may be a fan scheming of breaking Steampunk into parts and definitions. Sometimes also called, ‘I am more steampunk than you!’
  • The Steamgrid itself is expanding in various directions without regard to venerable sims. There is no clearing house of destinations.

Baron Wulfenbach manuevered quite the range of suggestions (there were many more than the above), and promised some surprises.

Be sure to join us next month.


Categories: A.P.E., caledon, events, RP,, victorian | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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